Substance Abuse Resources
The effects of alcohol and substance abuse can be seen in all age groups and in all facets of society. Drug abuse by children and teens can destroy a family and ruin a child’s chance for a successful career and future. Alcohol and drug abuse by parents can often have similar effects on children and teens by destroying the family bond, and by the modeling of risky and dangerous behavior. Adults who engage in substance abuse may end up losing close relationships with those they care for, losing jobs and careers they have worked hard for, and they may even risk incarceration because of their addictions and behaviors.
Public Health Data
Drug Statistics: Information on drug use statistics listed alphabetically by drug name or type.
The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University: Teen survey and substance abuse statistics along with resources and other information.
Drugs and Crime Facts: Statistics on drug use broken down into the categories of youth, general population, and workplace.
Federal Drug Data Sources: A listing of sites with surveys, assessments, and trends concerning substance abuse.
Commonly Abused Drugs: A listing of commonly abused drugs, with info on how they are taken and their health consequences.
Center for Substance Abuse Research: Organization at the University of Maryland at College Park who performs research to combat the problems caused by drug use.
Center for Treatment Research on Adolescent Drug Abuse: This center at the University of Miami was created to conduct treatment research on adolescent drug abuse.
Parents: The Anti-Drug: Site provides parents and caregivers with the tools needed to raise drug-free children.
Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD): A peer-to-peer education and activism organization that is dedicated to preventing destructive decisions such as drug and alcohol use.
Above the Influence: Site helps teens and young adults understand the pressures and influences they face daily and how to make positive life choices.
Prevention First: This organization provides support to institutions of higher education in their fight against alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and violence.
Foundation for a Drug-Free World: This group provides educational information to help young people make informed decisions to be substance-free.
Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator: A searchable listing of drug treatment facilities in the USA.
Drug Addiction: Connecting People with People Who Can Help: This site provides information and treatment resources for many types of addiction.
Treatment Solutions Network: A network of independent addiction treatment facilities.
Addiction Treatment Resources for Parents of Teens and Young Adults: Substance abuse treatment resources and information for parents.
Starting point to finding help for those battling addiction: We are a starting point to finding individuals and families help that are battling addiction.
Drug Related Information
Street Drugs: Information on many of the common street drugs.
Illegal Drugs Identification Chart: What They Look Like & How to Recognize Their Effects: Photos and information regarding common illegal drugs.
Alcohol Abuse: A site all about alcohol abuse and its impact.
National Inhalant Prevention Coalition: Information on inhalants and the dangers they pose.
Prescription Drug Abuse: Information regarding the abuse of prescription medications.
Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs: Information on narcotics and other types of dangerous drugs.
Professional Associations and Organizations
The College on Problems of Drug Dependence: A national group that addresses problems of drug dependence and abuse.
The Association for Addiction Professionals: An association that serves addition counselors, educators, and health care professionals who work in the field of addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery.
National Association of State Alcohol/Drug Abuse Directors: The purpose of this group is to support the development of alcohol and drug abuse prevention and treatment programs throughout every state.
Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse: The goal of this association is to make advances in substance abuse education and research.
International Harm Reduction Association: Organization that promotes harm reduction policies and practices worldwide regarding dangerous drugs.
Journals and other Publications
Addiction Messenger: A monthly publication with tips and information covering a variety of substance abuse-related topics.
Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Health: Current Evidence: An online newsletter that summarizes research on alcohol, drugs, and health.
Other Resources
Suicide Prevention
Man Therapy: An Innovative Approach to Suicide Prevention in Working Aged Men.
Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation: YouTube channel for Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation.